Protection of documents against sophisticated photocopying and scanning
A novel method, for designing pantographs, is presented. An iterative algorithm is used to design a distribution of bright and dark spots to be embedded in the original document. This distribution should make the word “void”, “invalid”, or “copy” visible on the photocopy or the scanned version of the original document. We used an iterative algorithm to optimize the pantograph. We can start from a random distribution, or from a deterministic distribution based on Dirac pulses properties.
Pantographs, Protection of Documents, Fourier Optics.Downloads
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J.J. Singleton, First – Pantographic Security Papers,
H. Hamam “Digital Holography based Steganography”, Optics Letters 35, 4175-4177 (2010).
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S. He, N. Belacel, H. Hamam and Y. Bouslimani “A Hybrid Artificial Fish Swarm Simulated Annealing
Optimization Algorithm for Automatic Identification of Clusters”, Intern. Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, DOI: 10.1142/S0219622016500267 (2)
A. Hodgson and S. Sims “Challenges in security printing”, International Conference On Digital Printing Technologies. 148-152. (2013)
K. Solanki “Print and Scan Resilient Data Hiding in Images”, IEEE Transactions on Info Forensics and Security 1, 464-478 (2006)
A. Aronoff, S. Simske and M. Sturgill “Automated Optimization of Void Pantograph Settings”, International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies. 690-693, (2011).
S. Huang and J. Wu “Optical Watermarking for Printed Document Authentication”, IEEE Trans. on Info Forensics & Secur. 2, 164-173 (2007)
A. Yetisen, H. Butt, T. Mikulchyk, R. Ahmed, Y. Montelongo, M. Humar, N. Jiang, S. Martin, I. Naydenova and S. Yun “Color-Selective 2.5D Holograms on Large-Area Flexible Substrates for Sensing and Multilevel Security”. Advanced Optical Materials. doi: 10.1002/adom.201600162 (2016).
V. Kolyuchkin, A. Zherdev; E. Zlokazov, D. Lushnikov, S. Odinokov and A. Smirnov “Correlation method for quality control of master matrix used for embossing security holograms”, Proc. SPIE 8776, Holography: Advances and Modern Trends III, 87760A; doi:10.1117/12.2016992. (2013)
K. Thongkor and T. Amornraksa “Improved watermark extraction for printed and scanned watermarked document”, ISPACS, doi: 10.1109/ISPACS.2011.6146097 (2011).
S. Ibrahim, M. Afrakhteh, M. Salleh “Adaptive watermarking for printed document authentication” ICCIT,doi: 10.1109/ ICCIT.2010.5711127 (2010).
Yuan-Liang Tang; Chia-Jung Yang, "Print-and-Scan Resilient Watermarking Based on Modulating the Averages of DCT Coefficients," in Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST), doi: 10.1109/ISBAST.2012.31, pp113-117 (2012).
J.J. Singleton, First – Pantographic Security Papers,
H. Hamam “Digital Holography based Steganography”, Optics Letters 35, 4175-4177 (2010).
H. Hamam, “Intensity based self-imaging”, Applied Optics - Information Processing 49, 2519-2528 (2010).
S. Singh, A. Chebolu, S. Mandal, Nagahanumaiah “Development of a pantograph based micro-machine for nano-scratching", Production Engineering 7, 517-525 (2013).
S. Kirkpatrick, C. Gelatt, M. Vecchi “Optimization by Simulated Annealing". Science 220, 671–680 (1983).
S. He, N. Belacel, H. Hamam and Y. Bouslimani “A Hybrid Artificial Fish Swarm Simulated Annealing
Optimization Algorithm for Automatic Identification of Clusters”, Intern. Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, DOI: 10.1142/S0219622016500267 (2)