Тhe positive implications of the decentralization process on primary education management
Democratization has emerged as a need for the good of citizens, to improve the quality of life, the process of accession to communities (democratization of society, creating a democratic, accountable, transparent and accountable government) and to improve and maintain stable interethnic relations in the country. As in other segments, decentralization in education refers to the transfer of responsibilities from national to local level, thus placing primary and secondary education under the jurisdiction of municipalities. The decentralization process is changing the way schools are managed and managed where schools tend to become open learning centers, involving more entities, including parents and students, and local government officials, increasing cooperation with enterprises and NGOs such as and utilizing local resources in order to enrich the experience and raise the level of skills acquired. The research part is aimed at determining the effects of primary education management before and after the decentralization process. The research was conducted on a sample of respondents from primary school teachers, principals, ie deputy principals and professional associates from the pedagogical-psychological service in schools. A research questionnaire technique was used to conduct the research. The poll is anonymous and the questions are clearly worded. The obtained results from the research are processed quantitatively, and certain areas will be interpreted qualitatively.
education, primary, decentralization, effects, management.Downloads
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Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook od Human Resources Menagement Pracitise. London and Philadelphia:Kogan Page.
Bala, G. (1986). Logcke osnove metoda za analizu podatka iz istrazivanja i fizickoj kulturi. Novi Sad:mostalno autorsko izdanje.
Gocevski T., (2008). Educational management. Kumanovo: Macedonian Treasury.
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Report on the process of fiscal decentralization in the Republic of Macedonia, (2011). OSCE, Skopje.
Kralev, T, Naumovska, L. (2008). Fundamentals of Management. Skopje:European UniversityНационална програма за развој на образованието во Република
македонија 2005-2015
Naumovska, L. (2008). Human resource management, Skopje: European University - Republic of Macedonia, Cetis.
Petkovski, K. (1998). School Management, Skopje: Educator, Skopje.
Petrovska, C. (2009). Theoretical approach in school management, University «Goce Delchev», Faculty of Pedagogy, Stip.
Petrovski, D. (2007). Human Resources Management, Ss. Kliment Ohridski ”- Bitola, Faculty of Administration and Management of Information Systems, Bitola.
Manual for local school management
Simonceska, L. (2007). Fundamentals of Management. Ohrid: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality
Smilevski, C. (2000). The Challenge and Mastery of Organizational Change, DETRA Center, Skopje.
Timovski, V. (2003). Placement of permanent education and some knowledge about the training needs of class teachers. Modern preschool education and primary education- conditions and perspectives. Faculty of Pedagogy «St. Kliment Ohridski ”: Skopje.
Financing Decentralized Education in Macedonia, Overview of the National Distribution System, USAID, 2011.
Meintzeberg H., (1980). The nature ofmmanagerial woork, Harper & Row, New York. 18. Shehu, F. (2003). The educational function of the primary school. Modern preschool
education and primary education - conditions and perspectives, Faculty of Pedagogy “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Skopje.
Sterjoska, A. (2003). Technology in function of more efficient teaching. Modern preschool education and primary education - conditions and perspectives, Faculty of Pedagogy “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Skopje
Suklev B., (2009). Management, Faculty of Economics, Skopje.