On state of the art research trends in albania regarding digitalization. Automation and sustainable development


  • Dimitrios A. Karras




Sustainable development is nowadays a key concern and major issue in scientific, political and decision making discussions in national and international organizations, enterprises and societies at all levels. Moreover, it has been emerged as a major multidisciplinary research field for all sciences including formal sciences, natural sciences, engineering and technology, applied sciences as well as economics and social sciences. On the other hand, the role of digitalization and automation as engines of the transformation of business, economies and societies to meet the currently defined sustainability goals is critical. Therefore, there is increased coupling between digitalization, automation and sustainability in terms of multidisciplinary research studies worldwide. In the herein research effort the goal is to analyze this emerging coupling by investigating state of the art research efforts in these multidisciplinary fields with regards to the Albania case. The investigation of such state of the art trends spans the years after 2015, since very few studies were conducted before, especially in Albania. But worldwide too, if it is considered that the term sustainable development was defined unofficially in 1972 and officially in 1987 and only during the last decade systematic research studies started appearing.


Sustainable development, digitalization, digital transformation, automation, research in Albania


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Author Biography

Dimitrios A. Karras

*Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Canadian Institute of Technology (CIT), Tirana, Albania


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How to Cite

Karras, D. (2023). On state of the art research trends in albania regarding digitalization. Automation and sustainable development. CRJ, 1(1), 20–39. https://doi.org/10.59380/crj.v1i1.2753


