Performance study of an improved version of li-fi and wi-fi networks
With the increasing demand and need for telecommunication technologies, wireless communication has become a heavily useful and widely popular utility. Capacity, availability, efficiency, and security are issues generally linked to wireless communications, more specifically Wi-Fi systems. Yet we can exploit billions of light bulbs, which we use anywhere and everywhere on a daily basis and of which the infrastructure is already part of our ordinary life. This study focuses on Li-Fi theory and practices. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how these light sources can be used as a transmitter or, to be more precise, as an access point. This idea was proposed for the first time by Prof. Harald Hass in Global TED (2011). During the last two years, Li-Fi technology has been enhanced and improved by many professional and international studies. As new wireless communication technology develops to use LED, the efficiency, availability, security, and safety of light fidelity transform today’s telecommunication into tomorrow’s visible light communication.Keywords:
BER, FDMA, Li-Fi, NOMA, OOK modulation, Visible Light Communications (VLC), and Wi-Fi.Downloads
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Y. Wang, X. Wu, and H. Hass, "IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia", Fuzzy logic based dynamic handover in hybrid LiFi /RF network, pp. 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2016.7510823, 2016.
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Y. Wang and H. Haas, ‘‘IEEE, Journal of Lightwave Technology,’’ Dynamic load balancing with handover in hybrid Li-Fi and Wi-Fi networks, Vol. 33, Issue 22, pp. 4671- 4682, 2015.
J. Rani, P. Chauhan , and R. Tripathi, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research," Li-Fi (Light Fidelity-The future technology In Wireless communication, ISSN 0973-4562 (,Vol). 7 No.11, 2012.
A. R. Ndjiongue, H. C. Ferreira, and T. M. Ngatched, " Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,"Visible light communication VLC technology"- (DOI 10.1002/047134608X.W8267), pp. 1–15, 2015.
Z. Ghassemloay, W. Popoola, S. Rajbhandari, "Chapters 3, 4, and 8," CRC Press, Optical wireless communication & channel modelling with matlab, ISBN 9781138074804 - CAT# K34043, 2017.
Harald Haas, LiangYin, Yunlu Wang, and Cheng Chen, "Journal of Lightwave Technology", What is liFi?," Vol. 34, Issue 6, pp. 1533-1544, 2015.
M. S. ISLIM et al., "Photonic Research, Research Article" Towards 10 Gb/s orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-based visible light communication using a GaN violet micro-LED, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. A35-A43,, 2017.
A, Alkholidi and K. Altowij, "Chapter 5: Free space optical communications – Theory and practices", INTECH. In: Das N, ed, Contemporary issues in wireless communications. Croatia: InTech, pp. 159-212, DOI:10.5772/58884, 2014.
Y. Wang, X. Wu, and H. Hass, "IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia", Fuzzy logic based dynamic handover in hybrid LiFi /RF network, pp. 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2016.7510823, 2016.
H. Q. Nguyen, J. H. Choi, M. Kang, Z. Ghassemloay, D. H. Kim, "IEEE, 2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2010), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK", Matlab-based simulation program for indoor VLC system, 2010.