Energetic diplomacy and its role on creation of a new multipolar world


  • Igor Gelev Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of North Macedoria 0000-0003-2934-482X
  • Muhamet Racaj Major General, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia 0000-0003-0403-928X




International correlations through the last years have been remarked as dramatic in character, and very often followed through with unpredictable events, such as the Arab spring, chronic and confessional wars raging through the Middle east, than the unprincipled informal collation of the great forces merging with variety and different in character formal and less formal state-of-actors, than worth mentioning is the recent war prelude in Ukraine which on top has all been spiced and made far more constrictive indeed by the arrival of the global economic crisis in energy resources as well as naturally found ones, that has well paid so far contributing led to the overflowing of the crisis itself from the world’s center towards its margins. Since the end of the cold war, the most powerful and the most economically ascendant countries have started to promote a very new breed type of concept which deals with export and imposing of its own ideology. Diplomacy has well been turned into an instrument for realization of the external affair politics of the great powers and this diplomacy has been thus transformed from traditional in character to modern in origin, or better - public diplomacy. But this breed of public diplomacy had its own limits in terms of its range influence which was shortcut in the days of lack of energy resources as well as naturally found pack resources in the sense of energy excavation, and thus we witnessed the arrival of the newly formed type of diplomacy in place of the public diplomacy, named energetic diplomacy. Today energetic diplomacy is a representative of modern diplomacy or better a unique type of “stick and carrot” modulated for the weak and well developed rich states which are dependent on energy resources naturally found or not. During the era of the predomination of traditional politics over power in international correlations, it was then the most important thing who would be the one to deal with the most military power arsenal and later economic power as well that determined supreme leading force. Many of us would ask does this mean the reincarnation of the so called almost forgotten Cold War only now coming in such a shape that seems to be far more terrifying in character with a great deal of chance to impose the brink of a new world war and another humanitarian wash-out to humanity.


energetic diplomacy, pipeline diplomacy, great powers


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How to Cite

Gelev, I. and Racaj, M. (2016) “Energetic diplomacy and its role on creation of a new multipolar world”, Academicus International Scientific Journal. Vlora, Albania, 7(13), pp. 89–102. doi: 10.7336/academicus.2016.13.06.


