Confrontation Between Judicial Activism and State of Exception
The judiciary has excelled in the international and national scene, reaching role of great importance, thus creating opposition to the legislative and executive powers. The center of gravity of the sovereign power of the state moves toward the judiciary, that happens to have a more active role and controlling of the others powers, but also appears as a great defender of social and fundamental rights causes, seeking to make an effective constitution. Its great public notoriety has attracted great distrust of various sectors of society, especially by the two powers that have an increasing interference. Arises, therefore, a speech that the judiciary would be reversing into a big and uncontrollable power, increasing the suspicion that now it would be living in a real dictatorship of the judiciary through judicial activism. There is a growing concern with the expansion of activism and the role of the judiciary. The purpose of this work is to conceptualize and approach the judicial activism and the state of exception to search and reveal if there is any similarity, to then draw up a possible answer to the concern of forming a dictatorship of the judiciary. The state of exception is one of the rule of law paradoxes, while activism is a political manifestation of the judiciary. The similarity between the institutes appears as appalling in a dynamic expansion of political power of a state institution exercising judicial function, putting in check who would be the sovereign in a rule of law and democratic state.Keywords:
judicial activism, state of exception, dictatorship of the judiciary, policy decisionDownloads
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Agamben, Giorgio. Estado de Exceção. 2ªEd. rev. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2011.
Barroso, Luís Roberto. Judicialização, Ativismo Judicial e Legitimidade Democrática. Rio de Janeiro: [Syn]Thesis, vol.5, nº1, pg. 23-32, 2012.
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Brasil. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Avaiable at:http:/>. Accessed in: 25 de maio de 2016.
Campos, Carlos Alexandre de Azevedo. Dimensões do Ativismo Judicial no STF. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense, 2014.
Carrese, Paul. The cloaking of power: Montesquieu, Blackstone, and the rise of judicial activism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Gomes, Luiz Flávio Autran Monteiro. Teoria da Decisão. São Paulo: Thomson Learning, 2007.
Kmiec, Keenan D. The origin and the current meaning of judicial activism. California: California Law Review, vol.92:1441, issue 5, article 4, pg. 1441-1478, 2004, pg. 1471-1473.
Luhman, Niklas. Sociologia do Direito 1. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Tempo Brasileiro, 1983, p. 7-147.
Lynch, Christian Edward Cyril. Da monarquia à oligarquia: História institucional e pensamento político brasileiro (1822-1930). 1ºEd. São Paulo: Alameda, 2014.
Maximiliano, Carlos. Hermenêutica e Aplicação do Direito. 20ª Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2011, pg.1-15.
Monteiro, Cláudia Servilha. Fundamentos para uma teoria da decisão judicial. Anais do XVI Congresso Nacional do CONPEDI. Florianópolis: Fundação Boiteux, 2008, pg. 6104-6125.
Moraes, Guilherme Peña de. Constitucionalismo Multinacional: uso persuasivo da jurisprudência estrangeira pelos tribunais constitucionais. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 2015.
Schmitt, Carl. Political Theology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. Cap. I-IV.
O Conceito do Político/Teoria do Partisan. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, 2008.
Sowell, Thomas. Judicial Activism Reconsidered. Hoover: Hoover Institution press, Essays in Public Policy (Book 13), 1989.
Streck, Lenio Luiz. O problema da decisão jurídica em tempos pós-positivistas. Novos Estudos Jurídicos, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 2, pg. 03-26, out. 2009. ISSN 2175-0491.
Teixeira, Anderson Vichinkeski. Ativismo Judicial: nos limites entre racionalidade jurídica e decisão política. São Paulo, Revista de Direito GV, 8(1), pg. 037-058, JAN-JUN, 2012.
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