Open Assessment of Proofs in Litigation
The key of existence and success in all domains of life to the entity of justice is the thorough compliance to the truth and justice. Therefore when a certain right is violated, liable or challenged entrusted to solve that, are the institutions of justice, rather the courts. Courts are competent to find the right path towards the truth applying different methods with intention to satisfy the justice. In this paper special attention we dedicated to the method of open assessment of proofs in litigation, that in fact is the subject of this research.Keywords:
Proof, truth, litigation procedure, contested procedureDownloads
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- postupku.pdf;
Albin Eser, Collectin and Evaluation of Evidence in Comparative Perspective, Sonderdruckeaus der Albert-Ludwigs- UniversitatFreighburd, (2008).
Čalija Branko, Civil Procedural Law, Sarajevo, 1986.
Code civil des Français, Code Napoleon, Paris, (1804).
Galev, Gale, Dabovik – AnastasovskaJadranka, Contract Law, Faculty of Law “Justinian I”, Skopje (2003).
Gams, Andrija, Introduction to Civil Law, Belgrade, (1977).
Georgievski, Stefan, Civil Procedural right- Volume I, Skopje (2000).
H.B. Kerper, Introduction to the Criminal Justice System, West Publishing Company, St.Paul Minn., 2nd ed., (1979).
Janevski, Arsen&Zoroska - Kamilovska, Tatjana Civil Procedural Law, a book first, Civil Law, Faculty of Law “Justinian I” – Skopje (2009).
Faskaj, Alma Vokopola, and Julejda Gerxhi. “The Process of Evidencing (Offer of Proof) at Administrative Procedure.” Academicus International Scientific Journal 05 (2012): 84-95.
Janevski, Arsen&Zoroska - Kamilovska, Tatjana Litigation law, second amended edition, Faculty of Law “Justinian I” – Skopje, (2012).
Siniša Triva, Civil litigation procedural law, third revised and expanded edition, Official Gazette, Zagreb, (1978).
The Europian Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe, (1950).
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly, (1948).
Zoroska - Kamilovska, Tatjana, The burden of proof in civil proceedings, Master thesis, unpublished, Skopje (2003).;; postupku.pdf;;;;;;
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