Sustainability of water use in agriculture. Southern European farmers participation and social impact.
This paper aims to open a discussion in the scientific point of view and policy making processes on sustainability of water policies. The social and environmental impact on the Agriculture sector in Southern European countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain) will be investigated to analyse the adoption of measures taken by decision makers on water policies. The community assets of farmers will have an important role on the implementation of different strategies concerning agriculture water management. The paper will focus on the role of farmer’s participation as central actors of implementation in water policy. Furthermore, the social and the environmental aspects will be addressed.Keywords:
water policies, water management, farmers participation, social impactDownloads
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Campbell, Scott. (1996). Green cities, growing cities, just cities? Urban planning and contradictions of sustanable development. pp. 296-314.
Chiodi, G. (2018). Interpreting Global Land and Water Grabbing through Two Rival Economic Paradigms. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (18), 42-52.
Christopher, Stone. (2017). Beyond Rio: “Insuring” Against Global Warming. American Society of International Low.
Daci, J. (2012). Protection of the Human Right to Water Under International Law-The Need for a New Legal Framework. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (6), 71-77.
Deci, Edward and Richard, Ryan. (2008b). Facilitating Optimal Motivation and Psycological Well- being Across Life’s Domains. Canadian: Canadian Psycology. pp. 49.
Deffuant, Guillaume. (2006). Improving agri-environmental policies: a simulation approach to the cognitive properties of farmers and institutions.
Development, TD. (1992). The Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development. International Conference on Water and the Environment. Dublin, Ireland: NGO Coomittee on Education.
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European Commission. (1975, July 25). EEA, Environment European Agency. (https://eur-
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Food Agriculture Organization. (2006). Economic valuation of water resources in agriculture. From the sectoral to a functional perspective of natural resource management. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Centre for Social and Economic
Galioto, Francesco., Raggi, Meri and Viaggi, Davide. (2013). Pricing Policies in Managing Water Resource in Agriculture. An Application of Contract Theory to Unmetered Water. Journal Water.
Grafton, Quentino. Daniell, Katherine., Nauges Celine., Daniel Rinaudo, Jean and Wai Wash Chan, Noel. (2015). Understanding and managing urban water in transition. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. pp. 94.
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Kuskabe, Emiko. (2013). Advancing sustainabl development at the local level: the case of machizukuri in Japonese cities. United Kingdom. Progress in Planning Vol. 80. pp. 1-65.
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Miller, Luke. (1999). Climate change of San Jose. San Diego.
Molle, Francois. (2008). Can water pricing policies regulate irrigation use? In13th World Water Congress, September, Montpellier, France.
Molle, Francois. (2005). Elements for a political ecology of river basins development: The case of the Chao Phraya river basin, Thailand. Paris, December 2005. Presented on the 4th Conference of the International Water History Association.
Moore, Michele Lee., Plummer, Ryan., Brandes, Oliver and Baird, Julia. (2016). Introducing Resilience Practice to Watershed Groups: What Are the Learning Effects? Journal: Society and Natural Resources. Vol. 29. pp 1214-1229.
Mouysset, Lauriane. (2014). Agricultural public policy: Green or sustainable? Ecological Economy.Vol. 102. pp. 15-23.
Nixon, Steve. (2003a). Europe’s Water: An indicator based assessment. Copenhagen. European Environment Agency.
OECD. (2014, May). Water Quality and Agriculture: Meeting the policy challenge.
OECD. (2016). Water govenance in cities. (pp.10). Paris: OECD Publishing.
Ofwat. (2006). Security to Supply, leakage and the efficient use of water: 2005/6 report, Ofwat, UK, 2006. UK.
Renault, daniel. (2007). Food Agriculture Organization_ Land and Water Development Division. Land and Water Management.
Savenije, Hubert. (2006). Water as an economic good: The value of pricing and the failure of markets.
Value of Water Research Reports Series No.19.
Searle, Glen. (2007). In search ofthe elusive triple bottom line: Turbolent infrastructure policy at the Sydney water board. University of Technology Sydney. SOAC. pp. 99-109.
Shiklomanov. Igor (1999). World Water Resources and their Use. St. Petersburg. Joint SHI/UNESCO Product. State Hydrological Institute.
Sibert, Rosemaria., Toogood, Mark and Knierim, Andrea. (2006). Factors Affecting European Farmers. Partecipation in Biodiversity Policies. United Kingdom: European Society of Rural Sociology. Volume 46.
Turner, Kerry., Pearce, David., Bateman, Ian (2003). Environmental Economics. An Elementary Introduction. Bologna: Il Mulino.
United Nations. (2017). Gathering a body of global agreements. Development, World Commission on Environment and Our Common Future, Annexe 2: The Commission and its Work.
Zeneli, F. (2016). Analysis of risks and investments’ opportunities in water sector. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (13), 128-137.
Balana, Bedru., Jackson-Blake, Leah., and Martin-Ortega, Julia. (2015). Integrated Cost-effectiveness analysis of agri-environmental measures for water quality. Environmental Management, pp. 163-172.
Berbel Vecino, Julio and Gutiérrez Martín, Carlos. (2005). Sustainability of European Agricultureunder Water Framework Directive and Agenda 2000. Brussels. European Commission.
Berke, Philip and Conroy, Maria Manta. (2000). Are we planning for sustainable development? An evolution of 30 comprehensive plans. J. Am. Plann. Assoc. pp. 66.
Bontempi, Stefano., Broekman, Annelies., Palladino, Giuseppe and Setti, Marco. (2005). Agricoltura ed Ambiente: una valutazione dei costi esterni. XLII Convegno SIDEA, Biodiversità e Tipicità. Paradigmi economici e strategie competitive. Pisa pp. 22-24.
Brown, Rebecah., Keath, Nina. and Wong, Tony. (2009). Urban water management in cities: Historical, current and fututr regimes. Water Science and Technology. pp. 59.
Brusck, Anne Gravsholt. (2002). Farmers landscape decisions: Relationships between farmers values and landscape practices. Denmark Journal of the European Sociaety for Rural Sociology.
Campbell, Scott. (1996). Green cities, growing cities, just cities? Urban planning and contradictions of sustanable development. pp. 296-314.
Chiodi, G. (2018). Interpreting Global Land and Water Grabbing through Two Rival Economic Paradigms. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (18), 42-52.
Christopher, Stone. (2017). Beyond Rio: “Insuring” Against Global Warming. American Society of International Low.
Daci, J. (2012). Protection of the Human Right to Water Under International Law-The Need for a New Legal Framework. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (6), 71-77.
Deci, Edward and Richard, Ryan. (2008b). Facilitating Optimal Motivation and Psycological Well- being Across Life’s Domains. Canadian: Canadian Psycology. pp. 49.
Deffuant, Guillaume. (2006). Improving agri-environmental policies: a simulation approach to the cognitive properties of farmers and institutions.
Development, TD. (1992). The Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development. International Conference on Water and the Environment. Dublin, Ireland: NGO Coomittee on Education.
Dorner, Willy. (2008). Are floods in part a form of land use externality? Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 523-532.
Ecofys. (2007). Human Health sectoral report, ECCP Working Group II Impacts and Adaptation.
European Environmental Agency. (2017). Water management in Europe: price and non-price approaches to water conservation. European Environmnet Agency.
European Commission. (1975, July 25). Environment European Agency. Tratto da Euro-Lex: PDF/?uri=CELEX:31975L0440&from=en.
Environmental Protection Agency. (2015). Environmental Protection Agency. Parameters of Water Quality. Ireland.
European Commission. (2000, October 23). Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Official Journal of the European Union: (
European Commission. (2006, September 6). Directive 2006/44/EC of the European Parliament an of the Council. (
European Commission. (2006, February 15). Directive 2006/7/EC of the European Parliament and the Council. Euro-Lex. Official Journal of the European Union: (
European Commission. (1975, July 25). EEA, Environment European Agency. (https://eur-
European Commission. (2015, October 27). Council Directive 98/82. Eur-lex. europa: (https://eur-
Food Agriculture Organization. (2006). Economic valuation of water resources in agriculture. From the sectoral to a functional perspective of natural resource management. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Centre for Social and Economic
Galioto, Francesco., Raggi, Meri and Viaggi, Davide. (2013). Pricing Policies in Managing Water Resource in Agriculture. An Application of Contract Theory to Unmetered Water. Journal Water.
Grafton, Quentino. Daniell, Katherine., Nauges Celine., Daniel Rinaudo, Jean and Wai Wash Chan, Noel. (2015). Understanding and managing urban water in transition. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. pp. 94.
Hanson, Bob. (1995). Field performance of microirrigation systems. In: Microirrigation for a Changing World, Proceedings of Fifth International Microirrigation Congress, April 2-6, 1995. Orlando, Florida: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Hoffmann, Alessandro. (2009). Il Modello delle Politiche Agricole. Milano. Editore Franco Angeli. Hoffman, Alessandro. (2006). La Nuova Politica dello Sviluppo Rurale. Volume 413. Casa Editrice: Franco Angeli.
Kuskabe, Emiko. (2013). Advancing sustainabl development at the local level: the case of machizukuri in Japonese cities. United Kingdom. Progress in Planning Vol. 80. pp. 1-65.
Mankiw, Gregory. (2003). Principles of Economics. Harvard University. Dryden Press.
Meindl, Cristopher. (2011). Water, water, everywhere? Toward a Critical Water. Southeastern Geographer Vol. 51. pp. 615-640.
Michael, O’Brein.(1988). A Paradigmatic Shift in the Search for the Origin of Agriculture. American Anthropologist, pp. 958-965.
Miller, Luke. (1999). Climate change of San Jose. San Diego.
Molle, Francois. (2008). Can water pricing policies regulate irrigation use? In13th World Water Congress, September, Montpellier, France.
Molle, Francois. (2005). Elements for a political ecology of river basins development: The case of the Chao Phraya river basin, Thailand. Paris, December 2005. Presented on the 4th Conference of the International Water History Association.
Moore, Michele Lee., Plummer, Ryan., Brandes, Oliver and Baird, Julia. (2016). Introducing Resilience Practice to Watershed Groups: What Are the Learning Effects? Journal: Society and Natural Resources. Vol. 29. pp 1214-1229.
Mouysset, Lauriane. (2014). Agricultural public policy: Green or sustainable? Ecological Economy.Vol. 102. pp. 15-23.
Nixon, Steve. (2003a). Europe’s Water: An indicator based assessment. Copenhagen. European Environment Agency.
OECD. (2014, May). Water Quality and Agriculture: Meeting the policy challenge.
OECD. (2016). Water govenance in cities. (pp.10). Paris: OECD Publishing.
Ofwat. (2006). Security to Supply, leakage and the efficient use of water: 2005/6 report, Ofwat, UK, 2006. UK.
Renault, daniel. (2007). Food Agriculture Organization_ Land and Water Development Division. Land and Water Management.
Savenije, Hubert. (2006). Water as an economic good: The value of pricing and the failure of markets.
Value of Water Research Reports Series No.19.
Searle, Glen. (2007). In search ofthe elusive triple bottom line: Turbolent infrastructure policy at the Sydney water board. University of Technology Sydney. SOAC. pp. 99-109.
Shiklomanov. Igor (1999). World Water Resources and their Use. St. Petersburg. Joint SHI/UNESCO Product. State Hydrological Institute.
Sibert, Rosemaria., Toogood, Mark and Knierim, Andrea. (2006). Factors Affecting European Farmers. Partecipation in Biodiversity Policies. United Kingdom: European Society of Rural Sociology. Volume 46.
Turner, Kerry., Pearce, David., Bateman, Ian (2003). Environmental Economics. An Elementary Introduction. Bologna: Il Mulino.
United Nations. (2017). Gathering a body of global agreements. Development, World Commission on Environment and Our Common Future, Annexe 2: The Commission and its Work.
Zeneli, F. (2016). Analysis of risks and investments’ opportunities in water sector. Academicus International Scientific Journal, (13), 128-137.
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