Deconstructing the use of REPO 105 and Repo 108 Transactions Under SFAS 140: the Case of Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. and the Liability of Ernst & Young


  • John Burke RISEBA University Riga, Latvia



Prior to filing for bankruptcy in 2008, Lehman Brothers Holding Inc., [LBHI] relied upon select repurchase agreements denominated “Repo 105” and “Repo 108” for the purpose of re-casting its balance sheet to meet net leverage ratios required by money markets. SFAS 140, as then existing without the 2011 amendment, provided a mechanism to treat “ordinary borrowings” as “asset sales”. LBHI used SFAS 140 to justify Repo 105 and Repo 108 transactions to engineer its balance sheet. The accounting treatment resulted in the publication of misleading quarterly and annual Financial Statements relied upon by external users to make investment decisions. In 2011 and 2012, the Southern District of New York issued opinions in the consolidated LBHI litigation. The finding that LBHI correctly applied the criteria of SFAS 140 to justify “borrowings” as “asset sales” under Repo 105 and Repo 108 is fundamentally flawed. During the period 2000 until 2008, Ernst & Young [E&Y] served as the outside auditor of LBHI. Legal principles governing the obligations of auditors support a finding that E&Y committed professional malpractice by issuing unqualified audit opinions knowing that LBHI failed to disclose its liabilities to repurchase transferred securities under Repo 105 and Repo 108 transactions. Economic analysis of non-contractual obligations [tort] supports a reformulation of the legal standard governing auditor liability to external users of audited financial statements containing materially misleading information. The reformulated standard allocates incentives to take precautions both to the audit firm and to the external user to achieve an efficient allocation of the cost of harm ensuing from defective information products.


Lehman Brothers, audit failure, Repo 105 and Repo 108, Ernst &amp, Young, misleading financial statements


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  1. Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, Financial Accounting Standards Board (2000), (SFAS 140) available at &blobkey=id&blobwher

  2. Bankruptcy Examiner’s Report [BER] prepared by Anton R. Valukas, Examiner consisting of nine volumes plus appendices, Vol. 1, Introduction at 3. The factual data contained in this article related to Repo 105 and Repo 108 transactions is drawn primarily fr


  4. Bily v. Arthur Young & Co,834 P.2nd 745 (Cal. 1992, modified, 3 Cal. 4th 1049 (1992).

  5. Robert Couter and Thomas Ulen, Law & Economics, 324 (Pearson 5th ed. 2007).

  6. Caparo Industries PLC v. Dickman et al. [1990] 2 AC 605.

  7. Macpherson v. Buick Motor Co., 217 N.Y. 382, 111 N.E. 1050 (1916). Macpherson v. Buick Motor Co., 217 N.Y. 382, 111 N.E. 1050 (1916).

  8. Restatement (Second) of Torts §552 (1975).

  9. Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 551 U.S. 314 (2007).

  10. United States v. Arthur Young, 465 U.S. 805, 917-18 (1984).

  11. Alia Shoalb, FRC closes investigation into PwC over Tesco accounts, Accountancy Age [6 June 2017]; found at frc-closes-investigation-into-pwc-over-tesco-accounts/, last visited 18 November 2018.

  12. Chao-Shin Liu and Thomas F. Schaefer, Asset Sales or Loans: The Case of Lehman Brother’s Repo 105, The Accounting Educator’s Journal, Volume XXI, pp.79-88 (2011).

  13. Francine McKenna, BankThink Auditor PwC Should Have Been on Top of MF Global, American Banker [4 November 2011] found at https://www., last visited 18 November 2018.

  14. John JA Burke, Auditor Liability to External Users of Misleading Financial Statements of Publicly Listed Companies: Two Normative Propositions, 39.Syracuse J. Int’l L. & Commerce 138 (2011.).

  15. Mark A. Geistfield, Restatement (Third) of Torts Symposium: Social Value As a Policy-Based Limitation of The Ordinary Duty to Exercise Reasonable Care (2009), New York University Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers, available at http://Isr.nellco.o




How to Cite

Burke, J. (2019) “Deconstructing the use of REPO 105 and Repo 108 Transactions Under SFAS 140: the Case of Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. and the Liability of Ernst & Young”, Academicus International Scientific Journal. Vlora, Albania, 10(19), pp. 165–187. doi: 10.7336/academicus.2019.19.12.