Factors Affecting Profitability of Insurance Companies. Evidence from Kosovo





Profitability expresses the ability to make a profit from all the business activities of the company. It shows how efficiently management generates profit by utilizing all available resources. This paper examined the effects of specific company factors, namely independent variables such as: liquidity, company size, company age, tangible asset, leverage, company capital and growth of com-pany, on profitability represented by return on assets (ROA) and net profit margin (NPM) as a dependent variable. The sample in this study includes eleven insurance companies for the period 2015 - 2020. The regression results indicate that size, leverage and age of company, have significant effects on the ROA. Meanwhile in NPM of insurance companies in Kosovo size of company and firm growth have significant effects.


profitability, return on assets, net profit margin, liquidity, leverage,


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How to Cite

Ahmeti, Y. and Iseni, E. (2022) “Factors Affecting Profitability of Insurance Companies. Evidence from Kosovo”, Academicus International Scientific Journal. Vlora, Albania, 13(25), pp. 122–142. doi: 10.7336/academicus.2022.25.08.