Dispozitivi normalizues: politikat mbi romët në Shqipërinë socialiste
Kjo ese propozon një analizë mbi politikat, praktikat dhe diskursin etatik në lidhje me romët në Shqipëri gjatë viteve të socializmit, duke eksploruar nocionin e dispozitivit të formuluar nga Michel Foucault (1977). Një numër i caktuar instrumentesh në formë qarkoreje, masash, rregullash dhe strategjish u promovuan nga shteti autoritar për t’iu përgjigjur një problemi shoqëror që, sipas diskursit zyrtar të asaj kohe, vinte nga komuniteti rom. Këta elementë përbëjnë atë që unë do ta quaj “dispozitivi rom”. Nëpërmjet një studimi etnografik në terren dhe në Arkivin Qendror të Shtetit, ky punim analizon këtë dispozitiv shtetëror, që synon disiplinimin dhe normalizimin e shoqërisë, dhe të romëve në veçanti. Më konkretisht, kjo ese propozon një analizë të instrumenteve shtetërorë të menaxhimit të popullsisë si teknika të pushtetit, si dhe efektet e këtij procesi, duke u fokusuar tek popullsia rome.
Agamben, Giorgio. 2007. Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif ? Paris: Payot & Rivages.
Bardhoshi, Nebi dhe Lelaj, Olsi. 2018. Etnografi në diktaturë: Dija, shteti dhe holokausti ynë. Tiranë: Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë.
Courtiade, Marcel. 1991. “I Rom in Albania, un profile storico sociale”. Est e ovest a confronto sulle politiche regionali e locali verso i Rom, Convegno internazionale di studi, Roma, 20-28 September.
Dalipaj, Gerda. 2012. “Roma communities in Elbasan”. Përgatitur nga A. Hemming, G. Kera dhe E. Pandelejmoni (ed.), Albania. Family, Society and Culture in the 20th Century. Zurich, Berlin: LIT 9: 131-146.
De Heusch, Luc. 1966. A la découverte des Tziganes. Une expedition de reconnaissance. Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Deleuze, Gilles dhe Guattari, Felix. 1980. Mille Plateaux. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
De Rapper, Gilles dhe Sintés, Pierre. 2006. “Composer avec le risque: la frontière sud de l’Albanie entre politiques des États et solidarités locales”. Në Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest 37 (4): 243-271.
Fassin, Didier dhe Eideliman, Jean-Sébastien (eds.). 2012. Economies morales contemporaines. Paris: La Découverte.
Fassin, Didier. 2012. Moral anthropology. A companion volume. Malden: Wiley- Blackwell.
Fonseca, Isabel. 2003. Enterrez-moi debout: l’odyssée des Tziganes. Paris: Lattitudes/Albin Michel.
Foucault, Michel. 2004. Sécurité, territoire, population (1977-1978). Paris: Gallimard- Seuil.
Foucault, Michel. 2004. Naissance de la biopolitique. Cours au Collège de France (1978- 1979). Paris: Seuil & Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “Le jeu de Michel Foucault“. Në Dits et écrits, T. II, 1976- 1988. Paris: Quarto/Gallimard: 298 – 329.
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “Le sujet et le pouvoir”. Në Dits et écrits, T. II, 1976- 1988. Paris: Quarto/Gallimard: 1041 – 1062.
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “La gouvernementalité”. Në Dits et écrits, T. II.
-1988. Paris: Quarto/Gallimard: 635-657.
Foucault, Michel. 1999. Les anormaux. Cours au Collège de France 1974-1975. Paris: Seuil et Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 1997. Il faut défendre la société. Cours au Collège de France (1975-1976). Paris: Seuil.
Foucault, Michel. 1976. Histoire de la sexualité: la volonté de savoir, V.1. Paris: Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 1975. Surveiller et punir: naissance de la prison. Paris: Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 1971. L’Ordre du discours. Paris:Gallimard.
Goffman, Erving. 1975. Sigmate. Paris: Les éditions de Minuit.
Gupta, Akhil. 2012. Red Tape: Bureaucracy, Structural violence and Poverty in India. Durham: Duke University Press.
Gupta, Akhil. 1995. “Blurred boundaries: the discourse of corruption, the culture of politics, and the imagined state”. The American Ethnologist 22(2): 375-402.
Hannerz, Ulf. 2003. “Several Sites in One”. Përgatitur nga Thomas Hylland Eriksen (ed). Globalisation. Studies in Anthropology. Londres: Pluto Press: 18-38.
Harvey, David. 1973. Social Justice and the City, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1948. “Firman of A.H 1013-14 (A.D. 1604-5) regarding Gypsies in the Western Balkans”. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 27 (1- 2): 1-12.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1938. “The Gypsies of Albania”. Part 2. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 17 (1-2): 18-30.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1938. “The Gypsies of Albania”. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 17 (2): 49-61.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1938. “The Gypsies of Albania”. Part 3. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 17 (1-2): 110-122.
Herzfeld, Michael. 1992. The Social Production of Indifference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Heyman, Josiah. 2009. “Trust, Privilege, and Discretion in the Governance of the US Borderlands with Mexico”. Canadian Journal of Law and Society 24(3): 367-390.
Hoxha, Enver. 1983. Vite të vegjëlisë: Kujtime për Gjirokastrën. Tiranë: 8 Nëntori.
Kolsti, John. 1991. “Albanian Gypsies: The Silent Survivors”. Përgatitur nga Crowe dhe Kolsti (ed), The Gypsies in Eastern Europe. Armonk, New York: Sharpe: 51- 60.
Lelaj, Olsi. 2013. “From paesants to workers: an outline of the proletarianisation process during state-socialism in Albania”. Përgatitur nga Nebi Bardhoshi, Gilles de Rapper dhe Pierre Sintés (eds). Social Practices and Local configurations in the Balkans. Tiranë: UET Press: 41-64.
Lelaj, Olsi dhe Kaçiu, Ervin. 2012. Grimca etnografike: aspekte të historisë, kulturës dhe traditës rome nëpërmjet rrëfimeve personale të anëtarëve të komunitetit në Shqipëri. Tiranë: Fondacioni “Shoqëria e Hapur për Shqipërinë”.
Lelaj, Olsi. 2009. “Pedagogical citizenship: An ethnographic outline of concept formation socialist and post-socialist Albania”. Në Emmanouil Spyridakis et Corine Védrine (eds). Anthropology of Policies and Ideologies of capitalism in the EU. Lyon: Revus Modys 11: 53-62.
Lipsky, Michael. 1980. Street-level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Mann, Stuart. 1933. “The Albanian Romani”. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third series 12 (1): 1-32.
Marcus, George. 1995. “Ethnography in/of the world System: The emergence of Multi-Sited ethnography”. Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 95-117.
Povinelli, Elizabeth. 2011. Economies of Abandonment. Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Rabinow, Paul. 2003. Anthropos Today. Reflections on Modern Equipment. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie. 2002. “Dawn for a ‘Sleeping Beauty Nation’: Aromanian Identity Politics and Conflicts in Post- Communist Albania”. Përgatitur nga Kaser Karl dhe Kressing Frank (eds). Albania – A country in transition. Aspects of changing identities in a south-east European country. Baden-Baden: 147-163.
Scott, James. 1998. Seeing like a state: How certain schemes to improve human condition have failed. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Shkoza, Haxhi. 1935. Financat e Shqipnisë (1839 – 1934). Tiranë: Shtypshkronja “Nikaj”.
Stewart, Michael. 1997. The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder, Cololorado: Westview Press.
Stoler, Ann Laura. 2002. “Colonial Archives and the arts of governance”. Archival Science 2: 87-109.
Sula-Raxhimi, Enkelejda. 2016. “Une ethnographie de la gestion de la population rom en Albanie. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal”.
https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/13958 Verdery, Katherine. 1996. “Nationalism, Postsocialism and Space in Eastern Europe”. Social Research 63 (1): 77-96.
Verdery, Katherine. 1991. “Theorizing socialism: A Prologue to the
‘Transition’”. American Ethnologist 18 (3): 419-439.
Agamben, Giorgio. 2007. Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif ? Paris: Payot & Rivages.
Bardhoshi, Nebi dhe Lelaj, Olsi. 2018. Etnografi në diktaturë: Dija, shteti dhe holokausti ynë. Tiranë: Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë.
Courtiade, Marcel. 1991. “I Rom in Albania, un profile storico sociale”. Est e ovest a confronto sulle politiche regionali e locali verso i Rom, Convegno internazionale di studi, Roma, 20-28 September.
Dalipaj, Gerda. 2012. “Roma communities in Elbasan”. Përgatitur nga A. Hemming, G. Kera dhe E. Pandelejmoni (ed.), Albania. Family, Society and Culture in the 20th Century. Zurich, Berlin: LIT 9: 131-146.
De Heusch, Luc. 1966. A la découverte des Tziganes. Une expedition de reconnaissance. Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Deleuze, Gilles dhe Guattari, Felix. 1980. Mille Plateaux. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
De Rapper, Gilles dhe Sintés, Pierre. 2006. “Composer avec le risque: la frontière sud de l’Albanie entre politiques des États et solidarités locales”. Në Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest 37 (4): 243-271.
Fassin, Didier dhe Eideliman, Jean-Sébastien (eds.). 2012. Economies morales contemporaines. Paris: La Découverte.
Fassin, Didier. 2012. Moral anthropology. A companion volume. Malden: Wiley- Blackwell.
Fonseca, Isabel. 2003. Enterrez-moi debout: l’odyssée des Tziganes. Paris: Lattitudes/Albin Michel.
Foucault, Michel. 2004. Sécurité, territoire, population (1977-1978). Paris: Gallimard- Seuil.
Foucault, Michel. 2004. Naissance de la biopolitique. Cours au Collège de France (1978- 1979). Paris: Seuil & Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “Le jeu de Michel Foucault“. Në Dits et écrits, T. II, 1976- 1988. Paris: Quarto/Gallimard: 298 – 329.
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “Le sujet et le pouvoir”. Në Dits et écrits, T. II, 1976- 1988. Paris: Quarto/Gallimard: 1041 – 1062.
Foucault, Michel. 2001. “La gouvernementalité”. Në Dits et écrits, T. II.
-1988. Paris: Quarto/Gallimard: 635-657.
Foucault, Michel. 1999. Les anormaux. Cours au Collège de France 1974-1975. Paris: Seuil et Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 1997. Il faut défendre la société. Cours au Collège de France (1975-1976). Paris: Seuil.
Foucault, Michel. 1976. Histoire de la sexualité: la volonté de savoir, V.1. Paris: Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 1975. Surveiller et punir: naissance de la prison. Paris: Gallimard.
Foucault, Michel. 1971. L’Ordre du discours. Paris:Gallimard.
Goffman, Erving. 1975. Sigmate. Paris: Les éditions de Minuit.
Gupta, Akhil. 2012. Red Tape: Bureaucracy, Structural violence and Poverty in India. Durham: Duke University Press.
Gupta, Akhil. 1995. “Blurred boundaries: the discourse of corruption, the culture of politics, and the imagined state”. The American Ethnologist 22(2): 375-402.
Hannerz, Ulf. 2003. “Several Sites in One”. Përgatitur nga Thomas Hylland Eriksen (ed). Globalisation. Studies in Anthropology. Londres: Pluto Press: 18-38.
Harvey, David. 1973. Social Justice and the City, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1948. “Firman of A.H 1013-14 (A.D. 1604-5) regarding Gypsies in the Western Balkans”. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 27 (1- 2): 1-12.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1938. “The Gypsies of Albania”. Part 2. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 17 (1-2): 18-30.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1938. “The Gypsies of Albania”. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 17 (2): 49-61.
Hasluck, Margaret. 1938. “The Gypsies of Albania”. Part 3. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third Series 17 (1-2): 110-122.
Herzfeld, Michael. 1992. The Social Production of Indifference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Heyman, Josiah. 2009. “Trust, Privilege, and Discretion in the Governance of the US Borderlands with Mexico”. Canadian Journal of Law and Society 24(3): 367-390.
Hoxha, Enver. 1983. Vite të vegjëlisë: Kujtime për Gjirokastrën. Tiranë: 8 Nëntori.
Kolsti, John. 1991. “Albanian Gypsies: The Silent Survivors”. Përgatitur nga Crowe dhe Kolsti (ed), The Gypsies in Eastern Europe. Armonk, New York: Sharpe: 51- 60.
Lelaj, Olsi. 2013. “From paesants to workers: an outline of the proletarianisation process during state-socialism in Albania”. Përgatitur nga Nebi Bardhoshi, Gilles de Rapper dhe Pierre Sintés (eds). Social Practices and Local configurations in the Balkans. Tiranë: UET Press: 41-64.
Lelaj, Olsi dhe Kaçiu, Ervin. 2012. Grimca etnografike: aspekte të historisë, kulturës dhe traditës rome nëpërmjet rrëfimeve personale të anëtarëve të komunitetit në Shqipëri. Tiranë: Fondacioni “Shoqëria e Hapur për Shqipërinë”.
Lelaj, Olsi. 2009. “Pedagogical citizenship: An ethnographic outline of concept formation socialist and post-socialist Albania”. Në Emmanouil Spyridakis et Corine Védrine (eds). Anthropology of Policies and Ideologies of capitalism in the EU. Lyon: Revus Modys 11: 53-62.
Lipsky, Michael. 1980. Street-level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Mann, Stuart. 1933. “The Albanian Romani”. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. Third series 12 (1): 1-32.
Marcus, George. 1995. “Ethnography in/of the world System: The emergence of Multi-Sited ethnography”. Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 95-117.
Povinelli, Elizabeth. 2011. Economies of Abandonment. Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Rabinow, Paul. 2003. Anthropos Today. Reflections on Modern Equipment. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie. 2002. “Dawn for a ‘Sleeping Beauty Nation’: Aromanian Identity Politics and Conflicts in Post- Communist Albania”. Përgatitur nga Kaser Karl dhe Kressing Frank (eds). Albania – A country in transition. Aspects of changing identities in a south-east European country. Baden-Baden: 147-163.
Scott, James. 1998. Seeing like a state: How certain schemes to improve human condition have failed. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Shkoza, Haxhi. 1935. Financat e Shqipnisë (1839 – 1934). Tiranë: Shtypshkronja “Nikaj”.
Stewart, Michael. 1997. The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder, Cololorado: Westview Press.
Stoler, Ann Laura. 2002. “Colonial Archives and the arts of governance”. Archival Science 2: 87-109.
Sula-Raxhimi, Enkelejda. 2016. “Une ethnographie de la gestion de la population rom en Albanie. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal”.
https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/13958 Verdery, Katherine. 1996. “Nationalism, Postsocialism and Space in Eastern Europe”. Social Research 63 (1): 77-96.
Verdery, Katherine. 1991. “Theorizing socialism: A Prologue to the
‘Transition’”. American Ethnologist 18 (3): 419-439.