Simple cist graves from the necorpolis of the ancient city of Amantia.


  • Jamarbër Buzo


The purpose of this article is to present the simple cist graves, discovered at the necropolis of the ancient city of Amantia. Firstly, cists became object of study during the archaeological expedition of the years 1950 to 1960 [Anamali 1972, 96- 98]. They once again become object of study at the end of the 1980’s [Bereti 1988, 255-256; Bereti 1989, 271-272]. In addition, their study continous to be on the focus of archaeological expedition that are taken at the recent years at Amantia [Buzo, Hobdari 2014, 20-21; Hobdari, Buzo 2015, 294]. Simple cists are the most common funeral structures that can be found at the necropolis of the ancient city of Amantia. They are found in groups of 2-3 up to 5-6, close to each other or separated, often over the extended ridges and soft slopes of the rolling hills surrounding Amantia (Pl.I). Cist tombs are often found close to monumental tombs, in some chases inside the monumental burial structures, as are “Built tumuli” (Pl.II,1-). The simple cists are made of stone plates, detached from sedimentary- sand rocks (Pl.III,1-4). Generaly, the outer side of the tile worked sharply and sometimes is left undone. In Amantia, the simple cists are generaly divided into two groups: cists that have one unit and cists that have more than one unit. The cists of the first group
are generally made of five stone plates, four of which are placed verticaly in order to form an inner surface of a rectangular shape, and a fifth that covers it. The other group represents double cists, with one of the longer sides common, where each unit of the cists is sepparatly covered with a stone plate (Pl.II, 1; IV,2). The cists of this group appear as a latter evolution of the first group cists. The studies so far also shows that in Amantia are generaly aplied two ways of on field instalation of the simple cists - barried or fixed on the surface (Pl.IV,4;V, 1-4). Generaly, the cists with their longitudinal axes are placed on every single direction possible, which most prefered ones appeard to be the east-west direction. Moreover, insdide the same necropolis, the orientation of the cists is differents, whereas within the group its is the same. The tombs made out of simple cists shows biritualism, as inside them are documentet both main rites: inhumation and cremation (Pl.IV, 3,5). This biritualism is seen even in inside borders of the same necropolis, and actually within the same group of tomb and the same cist. However, the primar rite was inhumation. The origin of this type of cist grave in the ancient city of Amantia, is directly connected to the inhereted territory, and dates at the time of transition from the Late
Bronze to the Early Iron periods. The diffusion of this cist grave is generaly on the south territory of the Vjosa river, on the neighbouring region between the Souther Iliria and Epirous, when there has been direct contact. In the Ballkan peninsula, almost identical graves with regards to the structure are clasified as “dolmen-like cists” [Delev 1982,404-407]. Such classification for cist
graves in the territory of the South-Western Albania would not be neccesary as it will bring confusion. Because at this territory it is yet to be documented of such a megalithic culture. However, “dolmen-like cists” can be used as a technical term to distinguish this type of cist grave from the other types of cists. From the current studies of the simple cists of Amantia, it is discovered
archaeological material, which dates from mid IV century to mid II century B.C. Among the earliest archaeological materials are those found on the cist of one of “Built tumuli”. Somewhere around mid IV century BC, dates the prezence of segmented blocks, which are built not only the exterior of the tumuli, but also the cylindircal vaults that covers a considerable number of monumental tombs in Amantia.


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How to Cite

Buzo, J. (2023). Simple cist graves from the necorpolis of the ancient city of Amantia. Iliria, 41(41), 195–212. Retrieved from




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