Monitorimi i debatit për një pakt të ri për migracionin dhe azilin
Pakti i Ri për Migracionin dhe Azilin paraqitur nga Komisioni Europian më 23 shtator 2020 synon të paraqesë një fillim të ri në lidhje me tërësinë e çështjeve lidhur me menaxhimin e sfidave të krijuara nga migrantët, refugjatët dhe azilkërkuesit që mbërrijnë në Bashkimin evropian. Pritshmëri të larta u krijuan pasi reforma do të adresonte me të vërtetë çështje të ngutshmë që janë në krye të
axhendës politike të shumë vendeve evropiane. Pakti i ri ka nxitur debate. Organizata ndërkombëtare, institucionet evropiane, shtetet anëtare, organizatat e shoqërisë civile dhe akademikët kanë komentuar paketën e plotë të politikave dhe propozimeve ligjore. Një nga çështjet në problematike është dimensioni i jashtëm në fushën e migracionit dhe azilit. Disa observues, në veçanti qeveritë dhe Këshilli besojnë se bashkëpunimi me vende të treta të origjinës dhe tranzitit apo strehës së parë të sigurtë përfaqësojnë një aspekt thelbësor të zgjidhjes, duke patur parasysh “suksesin” e marrëveshjeve me Turqinë dhe Libinë në kuadër të uljes së mbërritjeve nga këto vende. Të tjerë janë më shumë kritikë në lidhje me “eksternalizimin” e përgjegjësive dhe kontrollit të kufijve të jashtëm. Një çështje tjetër konfliktuale është reforma e sistemit të “Dublinit”, adresuar në Pakt si pjesë e Rregullores për Migracionin dhe Menaxhimin e Azilit. Shtetet anëtare mesdhetare kundërshtojnë ngarkimin e vazhdueshëm të përgjegjësë për azilkërkuesit tek vendet e para pritëse dhe pamjaftueshmërinë e mekanizmave të solidaritetit. Vende të tjera anëtare refuzojnë çdo detyrim për pranim të azilkërkuesve të zhvendosur nga vende të tjera anëtare. Për momentin, nuk ka asnjë zgjidhje në horizont për të kapërcyer këto mosmarrëveshje.
Fjalët kyçe:
Azil, Sistemi i Dublinit, dimensioni i jashtëm, rrugët ligjore, migracion, parimi i solidaritetit.Shkarkimet
(1) U. VON DER LEYEN, Cited from the European Commission’s Press Release, A Fresh Start on Migration: Building Confidence and Sharing a New Balance Between Responsibility and Solidarity, 23 September 2020, available at
(2) UNHCR, UNHCR and IOM Call for a Truly Common and PRINCIPLED approach to European Migration and Asylum Policies, 22 September 2020, available at migration-asylum.html; UNHCR, Asylum seekers subject to systematic pushbacks at European border, 28 January 2021, available at
(3) Among many others, see the comment of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), The JHA Council on Afghanistan: all about Europe, 3 September 2021.
(4) See Council (Justice and Home Affairs), Statement on the situation in Afghanistan, No. 11385/21, 31 August 2021, available at
(5) F. GRANDI in his intervention at the hearing of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, 27 May 2021.
(6) Communication from the EU Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, 23 September 2020, COM(2020) 609 final.
(7) M. SCHINAS at a Webinar on 22 April 2021 on the New Pact, organized by the King´s College of London and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, available at president-schinas.
(8) Citation from E. ZALAN, Commissioner: No One Will Like New EU Migration Pact, in euobserver, 18 September 2020, available at
(9) European Commission’s Press Release, The EC Reveals Its New EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027), 24 November 2020, available at presents-its-eu-action-plan-on-integration-and-inclusion-2021-2027; European Commission’s Press Release, Migration Management: New EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration, 27 April 2021, available at
(10) European Economic and Social Committee’s Opinion (Optional), A New Pact on Migration and Asylum, 27 January 2021, SOC/649-EESC-2020, available at reports/opinions/new-pact-migration-and-asylum.
(11) European Council on Refugees and Exiles, ECRE Comments on the Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management, February 2021, COM(2020) 610 2020/0279 (COD).
(12) European Council, Conclusions – 24 and 25 June 2021, 25 June 2021, EUCO 7/21, available at
(13) F. GRANDI at the hearing of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament on the New Pact, 27 May 2021.
(14) See supra, note no. 4.
(15) Ibid.
(16) See on the EU´s external action under the aspect of the EU´s values: C. HEIN, L´azione esterna dell´Unione europee in materia di migrazioni alla luce dei valori comuni, in E SCISO, R. BARATTA, C. MORDIVUCCI (eds.), I valori dell´Unione europea e l´azione esterna, 2016, pp.170-185.
(17) Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council introducing a screening of third country nationals at the external borders and amending Regulations (EC) No 767/2008, (EU) 2017/2226, (EU) 2018/1240 and (EU) 2019/817, COM (2020) 612 final.
(18) See L. JAKULEVIČIENNE, Re-Decoration of Existing Practices at the EU External Borders, in, 27 October 2020.
(19) Ibid.
(20) Amended Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a common procedure for international protection in the Union and repealing Directive 2013/32 EU, COM (2020) 611 final.
(21) See, among others, J. VEDSTEDT-HANSEN, Border Procedures: Efficient Examination or Restricted Access to Protection?, in D.THYM, Special Collection on the 'New' Migration and Asylum Pact for, of 18 December 2020; J. CASSARINO, L. MARIN, The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Turning European Union Territory into a non-Territory, in EU Law Analysis, 30 November 2020, available at
(22) E. VAN DE RAKT, Erik Marquardt MEP: “Migration Management Has Become a Euphemism for Repelling Refugees”, in Heinrich Böll Foundation, 12 October 2020, available at refugees?dimension1=zora2020.
(23) European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Joint Statement: The New Pact on Asylum and Migration: An Opportunity Seized or Squandered?, 14 February 2020, available at pact-on-asylum-and-migration-an-opportunity-seized-or-squandered/.
(24) Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on asylum and migration management and amending Council Directive (EC) 2003/109 and the proposed Regulation (EU) XXX/XXX [Asylum and Migration Fund], COM (2020) 610 final.
(25) A. MERKEL, Declaration made at the Western Balkan Conference, 27 August 2015; Merkel has made an identical declaration 3 years later, on 11 August 2018, widely reported by the media.
(26) See European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Asylum at the European Council 2018: Outsourcing or Reform. Policy Paper, Brussels, 2018.
(27) See G. BORSA, Dublin and Asylum: No Agreement (for Now). Why Did the Reform Came to a Standstill?, in Sir Agenzia d’informazione, 6 June 2018.
(28) European Council’s Press Release, EU-Turkey Statement, 18 March 2016.
(29) Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum, COM (2020) 613 final.
(30) See in particular: E. GUILD, C. COSTELLO, M. GARLICK, V. MORENO-LAX, Enhancing the Common European Asylum System and Alternatives to Dublin. Study for the LIBE Committee, Brussels, 2015; F. MAIANI, The Reform of the Dublin III Regulation. Study for the LIBE Committee, Brussels, 2016.
(31) M. DI FILIPPO, The Reform of the Dublin System and the Need to Go Beyond a Simple Restyling: A Possible Negotiation Strategy for Italy. Policy Brief, Pisa, May 2017; ID., The allocation of competence in Asylum Procedures under EU Law: The Need to Take the Dublin Bull by the Horns, in Revista de Derecho Comunitario, No. 59, 2018, pp. 41-95.
(32) Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Report of 6 November 2017 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person, COM(2016)0270,
C8‑0173/2016, 2016/0133(COD). (33) 5 EU States Urge Others to Take in More Migrants, in Deutsche Welle, 20 March 2021, available at
(34) Italian embassy to Greece, Il ministro Lamorgese ad Atene per il "Med5" insieme ai ministri dell’Interno di Cipro, Grecia, Malta e Spagna (19-20 marzo 2021), 24 March 2021, available at ad-atene.html.
(35) Governo, il testo integrale del discorso di Mario Draghi al Senato, in La Repubblica, 17 February 2021, free translation from Italian; see also, Communication of President M. DRAGHI to the Chamber of Deputees on the European Council, 23 June 2021
(36) N. MITARACHI, in his intervention at the LIBE hearing of 27 May 2021.
(37) Corte di Giustizia, judgment of 2 April 2020, joined cases C-715/17; C-718/17; C-719/17, European Commission v. Republic of Poland and Others.
(38) Press Release by the Maltese Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, Malta Ministerial Meeting on Migration – A Further Step Towards Solidarity, 23 September 2019, available at
(39) European Commission, Delivering on Resettlement, 16 October 2019.
(40) Commission Recommendation (EU) 2020/1364 of 23 September 2020 on legal pathways to protection in the EU: promoting resettlement, humanitarian admission and other complementary pathways, C/2020/6467, in OJ L 317 of 1 October 2020, pp. 13-22.
(41) Community of Sant'Egidio, Humanitarian Corridors in Europe. Dossier: Humanitarian Corridors in Italy, France, Belgium and Andorra, the Principality of Monaco, 25 September 2019, available at
(42) Mediterranean Hope, Humanitarian Corridors: An Italian Model for the EuropeanUnion, 30 October 2019, available at european-union-2/.
(43) A. GUERRIERI, L'esodo degli ultimi. Corridoi umanitari, parte un nuovo protocollo con la Libia, in Avvenire, 17 June 2021, available at con-la-libia.
(1) U. VON DER LEYEN, Cited from the European Commission’s Press Release, A Fresh Start on Migration: Building Confidence and Sharing a New Balance Between Responsibility and Solidarity, 23 September 2020, available at
(2) UNHCR, UNHCR and IOM Call for a Truly Common and PRINCIPLED approach to European Migration and Asylum Policies, 22 September 2020, available at migration-asylum.html; UNHCR, Asylum seekers subject to systematic pushbacks at European border, 28 January 2021, available at
(3) Among many others, see the comment of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), The JHA Council on Afghanistan: all about Europe, 3 September 2021.
(4) See Council (Justice and Home Affairs), Statement on the situation in Afghanistan, No. 11385/21, 31 August 2021, available at
(5) F. GRANDI in his intervention at the hearing of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, 27 May 2021.
(6) Communication from the EU Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, 23 September 2020, COM(2020) 609 final.
(7) M. SCHINAS at a Webinar on 22 April 2021 on the New Pact, organized by the King´s College of London and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, available at president-schinas.
(8) Citation from E. ZALAN, Commissioner: No One Will Like New EU Migration Pact, in euobserver, 18 September 2020, available at
(9) European Commission’s Press Release, The EC Reveals Its New EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027), 24 November 2020, available at presents-its-eu-action-plan-on-integration-and-inclusion-2021-2027; European Commission’s Press Release, Migration Management: New EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration, 27 April 2021, available at
(10) European Economic and Social Committee’s Opinion (Optional), A New Pact on Migration and Asylum, 27 January 2021, SOC/649-EESC-2020, available at reports/opinions/new-pact-migration-and-asylum.
(11) European Council on Refugees and Exiles, ECRE Comments on the Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management, February 2021, COM(2020) 610 2020/0279 (COD).
(12) European Council, Conclusions – 24 and 25 June 2021, 25 June 2021, EUCO 7/21, available at
(13) F. GRANDI at the hearing of the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament on the New Pact, 27 May 2021.
(14) See supra, note no. 4.
(15) Ibid.
(16) See on the EU´s external action under the aspect of the EU´s values: C. HEIN, L´azione esterna dell´Unione europee in materia di migrazioni alla luce dei valori comuni, in E SCISO, R. BARATTA, C. MORDIVUCCI (eds.), I valori dell´Unione europea e l´azione esterna, 2016, pp.170-185.
(17) Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council introducing a screening of third country nationals at the external borders and amending Regulations (EC) No 767/2008, (EU) 2017/2226, (EU) 2018/1240 and (EU) 2019/817, COM (2020) 612 final.
(18) See L. JAKULEVIČIENNE, Re-Decoration of Existing Practices at the EU External Borders, in, 27 October 2020.
(19) Ibid.
(20) Amended Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a common procedure for international protection in the Union and repealing Directive 2013/32 EU, COM (2020) 611 final.
(21) See, among others, J. VEDSTEDT-HANSEN, Border Procedures: Efficient Examination or Restricted Access to Protection?, in D.THYM, Special Collection on the 'New' Migration and Asylum Pact for, of 18 December 2020; J. CASSARINO, L. MARIN, The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Turning European Union Territory into a non-Territory, in EU Law Analysis, 30 November 2020, available at
(22) E. VAN DE RAKT, Erik Marquardt MEP: “Migration Management Has Become a Euphemism for Repelling Refugees”, in Heinrich Böll Foundation, 12 October 2020, available at refugees?dimension1=zora2020.
(23) European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Joint Statement: The New Pact on Asylum and Migration: An Opportunity Seized or Squandered?, 14 February 2020, available at pact-on-asylum-and-migration-an-opportunity-seized-or-squandered/.
(24) Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on asylum and migration management and amending Council Directive (EC) 2003/109 and the proposed Regulation (EU) XXX/XXX [Asylum and Migration Fund], COM (2020) 610 final.
(25) A. MERKEL, Declaration made at the Western Balkan Conference, 27 August 2015; Merkel has made an identical declaration 3 years later, on 11 August 2018, widely reported by the media.
(26) See European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Asylum at the European Council 2018: Outsourcing or Reform. Policy Paper, Brussels, 2018.
(27) See G. BORSA, Dublin and Asylum: No Agreement (for Now). Why Did the Reform Came to a Standstill?, in Sir Agenzia d’informazione, 6 June 2018.
(28) European Council’s Press Release, EU-Turkey Statement, 18 March 2016.
(29) Proposal of 23 September 2020 for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum, COM (2020) 613 final.
(30) See in particular: E. GUILD, C. COSTELLO, M. GARLICK, V. MORENO-LAX, Enhancing the Common European Asylum System and Alternatives to Dublin. Study for the LIBE Committee, Brussels, 2015; F. MAIANI, The Reform of the Dublin III Regulation. Study for the LIBE Committee, Brussels, 2016.
(31) M. DI FILIPPO, The Reform of the Dublin System and the Need to Go Beyond a Simple Restyling: A Possible Negotiation Strategy for Italy. Policy Brief, Pisa, May 2017; ID., The allocation of competence in Asylum Procedures under EU Law: The Need to Take the Dublin Bull by the Horns, in Revista de Derecho Comunitario, No. 59, 2018, pp. 41-95.
(32) Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Report of 6 November 2017 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person, COM(2016)0270,
C8‑0173/2016, 2016/0133(COD). (33) 5 EU States Urge Others to Take in More Migrants, in Deutsche Welle, 20 March 2021, available at
(34) Italian embassy to Greece, Il ministro Lamorgese ad Atene per il "Med5" insieme ai ministri dell’Interno di Cipro, Grecia, Malta e Spagna (19-20 marzo 2021), 24 March 2021, available at ad-atene.html.
(35) Governo, il testo integrale del discorso di Mario Draghi al Senato, in La Repubblica, 17 February 2021, free translation from Italian; see also, Communication of President M. DRAGHI to the Chamber of Deputees on the European Council, 23 June 2021
(36) N. MITARACHI, in his intervention at the LIBE hearing of 27 May 2021.
(37) Corte di Giustizia, judgment of 2 April 2020, joined cases C-715/17; C-718/17; C-719/17, European Commission v. Republic of Poland and Others.
(38) Press Release by the Maltese Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, Malta Ministerial Meeting on Migration – A Further Step Towards Solidarity, 23 September 2019, available at
(39) European Commission, Delivering on Resettlement, 16 October 2019.
(40) Commission Recommendation (EU) 2020/1364 of 23 September 2020 on legal pathways to protection in the EU: promoting resettlement, humanitarian admission and other complementary pathways, C/2020/6467, in OJ L 317 of 1 October 2020, pp. 13-22.
(41) Community of Sant'Egidio, Humanitarian Corridors in Europe. Dossier: Humanitarian Corridors in Italy, France, Belgium and Andorra, the Principality of Monaco, 25 September 2019, available at
(42) Mediterranean Hope, Humanitarian Corridors: An Italian Model for the EuropeanUnion, 30 October 2019, available at european-union-2/.
(43) A. GUERRIERI, L'esodo degli ultimi. Corridoi umanitari, parte un nuovo protocollo con la Libia, in Avvenire, 17 June 2021, available at con-la-libia.