Aplikime të elektronikës dhe teknologjisë së informacionit për rritjen e eficencës në ekonominë bujqësore
Interneti i gjërave IoT (Internet of things) është një koncept i gjerë që përdoret për të përshkruar ndërlidhjen e objekteve të ndryshme, që përdoren gjatë jetës së përditshme, IoT ka qëllim të lidhë çdo person dhe çdo objekt, duke krijuar një mjedis inteligjent përmes internetit. Avancimet teknologjike në vitet e fundit mundësojnë lidhjen e gjithnjë e më shumë pajisjeve me një kosto më të ulët dhe më lehtë duke mundesuar që IoT të aplikohet në fusha të ndryshme përfshi agrikulturën etj., duke mundësuar që Interneti i gjërave të marrë një rëndësi të madhe teknologjike, sociale dhe ekonomike. Bujqësia përbën një nga sektorët më të mëdhenj dhe më të rëndësishëm të ekonomisë shqiptare, duke synuar rritje të qëndrueshme dhe përballjen me sfidat të reja për rritje të mëtejshme të prodhimit në plotësimin e kërkesës për produkte cilësore. Aplikimi i teknologjive të përshtatshme të rrjetit pa tela dhe lidhjes së tij me sensorë të ndryshëm në agrikulturë mund të sjellë kontribute thelbësore në bujqësinë e ardhëshme të fokusuar në shkencën e përdorimit të teknologjisë për të përmirësuar prodhimin. Kjo mund të arrihet duke siguruar dhe përdorur informacionin që ka lidhje me agrikulturën, ku mund të veꞔojme faktorët metereologjikë si: temperatura, lagështira, drita e diellit apo era në vendin e duhur dhe në kohën e duhur me qëllim rritjen e prodhimit dhe përmirësimit të kualitetit dhe njekohësisht të kujdesemi dhe për mbrojtjen e ambientit.
Fjalët kyçe:
Agrikulturë, Faktorët metereologjikë, Monitorimi i ambientit, Internet of things, sektori bujqësor, FermerëtShkarkimet
Rose K., Eldridge S., Chapin L.(2015). The Internet of Things: An Overview Internet Soc. (ISOC).
Pajaziti, A., Basholli, F., & Zhaveli, Y. (2023). Identification and classification of fruits through roboticsystemby using artificial intelligence.Engineering Applications,2(2), 154-163
Manyika, J., Chui M., Bisson P., Woetzel J., Dobbs R., Bughin J., and Aharon D. (2015).“The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the Hype.” McKinsey Global Institute.
Mema, B., Basholli, F., Xhafaj, D., Basholli, A., & Hyka, D. (2023). Internet of things in the development of future businesses in Albania. Advanced Engineering Days, 7, 139-141
Karima, F., Karim F., Frihida A.(2017) Monitoring system using ëeb of things in precision agriculture. Procedia computer science. 110, 402 - 409.
Mehta Y. (2015). Agriculture Internet of Things (IoT) Technology | Applications, http://iotworm.com/agriculture-internet-of-things-iot-technology-applications/
Codex Alimentarius. (2009). Food hygiene( Basic texts). 4th edition, Rome. World Health Organization - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Jia Κ., Papa F. (2005). Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in mass catering. Papasotiriou Publications.
Kandylis P. (2014). Safety - Food Quality. Learning Material for Lifelong Learning Centers. Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Genealogical Secretariat for Lifelong Learning.
Njage K., Opiyo B., Ëangoh J., Wambui J. (2018). Scale of production and implementation of food safety programs influence the performance of current food safety management systems: Case of dairy processors. Food Control, 85, 85-97.
Basholli, F., Daberdini, A., & Basholli, A. (2023). Detection and prevention of intrusions into computer systems. Advanced Engineering Days, 6, 138-141
M. Cruz-Cunha and J. Varajão, E-Business Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs:Driving Competitiveness. Hershey, USA: IGI Global, 2010.
Featherstone S. 2015. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System in Food Canning. In: A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes. 4th ed. s.l.:s.n.,pp. 215-234.
Basholli, F., Mezini, R., & Basholli, A. (2023). Security in the components of information systems. AdvancedEngineering Days, 7, 185-187
Perea F. (2015). Arduino Essentials. Packt Publishing . ISBN 978-1-78439-856-9.
Weyl E., Lazaris L., Goldstein A.(2011). HTML5 & CSS3 For The Real World. SitePoint. ISBN-13: 978-0-9808469-0-4.
Curran, K.(2012). HTML5 and the Mobile Web. International journal of innovation in the digital economy. , 3 (2), p. 40 - 56.
Basholli, F.,Mema, B.,Hyka, D., Basholli, A.,& Daberdini, A. (2023). Analysis of security challenges in SCADA systems, a technical review on automated real-time systems. Advanced Engineering Days, 8, 18-22
Antani V., Timms S., Prusty N. (2017). JavaScript : Moving to ES2015. Packt Publishing.SBN-13: 978-1-78712-591-9.
Harizaj, M.,Bisha, I., & Basholli, F. (2023). IoT integration in electric car chargers’Infrastructure.Advanced Engineering Days, 6, 152-155
Rawlinson, N. (2018, 01). How to go platform independent. PC Pro, , 42-45.
Nugroho S., Waluyo S., Hakim L.(2017) Comparative Analysis of Software Development Methods between Parallel, V-Shaped and Iterative. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 169 – No.11, 7-11.
Nugroho S., Waluyo S., Hakim L.(2017) Comparative Analysis of Software Development Methods between Parallel, V-Shaped and Iterative. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 169 – No.11, 7-11.
Tsui F., Karam O., Bernal B.(2016). Essentials of Software Engineering, 4th Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN-13: 978-1-284-10600-8.
Rose K., Eldridge S., Chapin L.(2015). The Internet of Things: An Overview Internet Soc. (ISOC).
Pajaziti, A., Basholli, F., & Zhaveli, Y. (2023). Identification and classification of fruits through roboticsystemby using artificial intelligence.Engineering Applications,2(2), 154-163
Manyika, J., Chui M., Bisson P., Woetzel J., Dobbs R., Bughin J., and Aharon D. (2015).“The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the Hype.” McKinsey Global Institute.
Mema, B., Basholli, F., Xhafaj, D., Basholli, A., & Hyka, D. (2023). Internet of things in the development of future businesses in Albania. Advanced Engineering Days, 7, 139-141
Karima, F., Karim F., Frihida A.(2017) Monitoring system using ëeb of things in precision agriculture. Procedia computer science. 110, 402 - 409.
Mehta Y. (2015). Agriculture Internet of Things (IoT) Technology | Applications, http://iotworm.com/agriculture-internet-of-things-iot-technology-applications/
Codex Alimentarius. (2009). Food hygiene( Basic texts). 4th edition, Rome. World Health Organization - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Jia Κ., Papa F. (2005). Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in mass catering. Papasotiriou Publications.
Kandylis P. (2014). Safety - Food Quality. Learning Material for Lifelong Learning Centers. Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Genealogical Secretariat for Lifelong Learning.
Njage K., Opiyo B., Ëangoh J., Wambui J. (2018). Scale of production and implementation of food safety programs influence the performance of current food safety management systems: Case of dairy processors. Food Control, 85, 85-97.
Basholli, F., Daberdini, A., & Basholli, A. (2023). Detection and prevention of intrusions into computer systems. Advanced Engineering Days, 6, 138-141
M. Cruz-Cunha and J. Varajão, E-Business Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs:Driving Competitiveness. Hershey, USA: IGI Global, 2010.
Featherstone S. 2015. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System in Food Canning. In: A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes. 4th ed. s.l.:s.n.,pp. 215-234.
Basholli, F., Mezini, R., & Basholli, A. (2023). Security in the components of information systems. AdvancedEngineering Days, 7, 185-187
Perea F. (2015). Arduino Essentials. Packt Publishing . ISBN 978-1-78439-856-9.
Weyl E., Lazaris L., Goldstein A.(2011). HTML5 & CSS3 For The Real World. SitePoint. ISBN-13: 978-0-9808469-0-4.
Curran, K.(2012). HTML5 and the Mobile Web. International journal of innovation in the digital economy. , 3 (2), p. 40 - 56.
Basholli, F.,Mema, B.,Hyka, D., Basholli, A.,& Daberdini, A. (2023). Analysis of security challenges in SCADA systems, a technical review on automated real-time systems. Advanced Engineering Days, 8, 18-22
Antani V., Timms S., Prusty N. (2017). JavaScript : Moving to ES2015. Packt Publishing.SBN-13: 978-1-78712-591-9.
Harizaj, M.,Bisha, I., & Basholli, F. (2023). IoT integration in electric car chargers’Infrastructure.Advanced Engineering Days, 6, 152-155
Rawlinson, N. (2018, 01). How to go platform independent. PC Pro, , 42-45.
Nugroho S., Waluyo S., Hakim L.(2017) Comparative Analysis of Software Development Methods between Parallel, V-Shaped and Iterative. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 169 – No.11, 7-11.
Nugroho S., Waluyo S., Hakim L.(2017) Comparative Analysis of Software Development Methods between Parallel, V-Shaped and Iterative. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 169 – No.11, 7-11.
Tsui F., Karam O., Bernal B.(2016). Essentials of Software Engineering, 4th Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN-13: 978-1-284-10600-8.