Transformimi digjital - Vlerësimi i aplikacioneve mobile banking në Shqipëri
Rritja aplikacioneve të “mobile banking” ka revolucionarizuar peizazhin financiar, duke i ofruar komoditet dhe liri përdorimi përdoruesve shqiptarë. Në Shqipëri, të 11 bankat tregtare, u ofrojnë klientëve mundësinë për “mobile banking” dhe “online banking”.Duke qenë se në ditët e sotme telefonat inteligjentë janë metoda e parapëlqyer e përvojës sonë digjitale, “mobile banking”është mënyra e parapëlqyer e ndërveprimit me bankën. Në Shqipëri, kjo metodë është qasja e mbi 73% të përdoruesve të shërbimit online të bankave. Besohet se tiparet miqësore në përdorim, lehtësia e navigimit, gjuha e thjeshtë dhe përditësimi dhe ndërveprimi i vazhdueshëm me komentuesit dhe veprimet përmirësuese, luajnë një rol të rëndësishëm në shkarkimin e përdorimin e aplikacionit, tërheqjen mbajtjen dhe rritjen e kënaqësisë e klientit, si edhe rrjedhimisht në rritjen e efikasitetit të operacioneve bankare. Ky punim shqyrton vlerësimin e këtyre aplikacioneve në platformën “Googleplay”, duke shfrytëzuar vlerësimet e përdoruesve të aplikacioneve që shkojnë nga 2.9 në 4.4, për të dalluar prirjet dhe modelet që rrisin kënaqësinë e përdoruesit shqiptar dhe rrjedhimisht efikasitetin operacional të bankave tregtare.
Fjalët kyçe:
aplikacion “mobile banking”, bankë, klient, koment, vlerësimShkarkimet
Ahmadi, T & Narci, M & Obrenovic, B. (2022). The Impact of “Mobile Banking” Services on Customer Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Turkey Banks. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development. 8. 10.18775/ijied.1849-7551-7020.2015.83.2001.
Alhejji, S.; Albesher, A.;Wahsheh, H.; Albarrak, A. (2022). Evaluating and Comparing the Us-ability of Mobile Banking Applications in Saudi Arabia,
Alrizq, M., Alghamdi, A. (2024) Customer satisfaction analysis with Saudi Arabia mobile banking apps: a hybrid approach using text mining and predictive learning techniques. Neural Comput & Applic 36, 6005–6023.
Alismail, M.A.; Albesher, A.S. Evaluating Developer Responses to App Reviews: The Case of Mobile Banking Apps in Saudi Arabia and the United States. Sustainability 2023,15, 6701.
Che, M., Say, S.Y.A., Yu, H. et al. (2023). Investigating customers’ continuous trust towards mobile banking apps. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 960
Gupta, M (2023). An empirical study to measure a multidimensional scale for the success of mobile banking applications The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, April 2023
Ghobakhloo, M., Fathi, M. (2019 Modeling the Success of Application-Based Mobile Banking. Economies 2019, 7(4), 114;
Hsu, C. L., & Lin, J. C. C. (2018). Exploring the factors influencing the continuance intention to use mobile banking services: A comparative study. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 16(4), 853-871.
Kim, H. W., Chan, H. C., & Gupta, S. (2020). Examining the effects of trust and perceived risk on mobile banking adoption: A case of South Korea. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(3), 738-758.
Wang, Y. S., & Lin, H. H. (2019). Exploring the role of trust in the adoption of mobile banking: A social cognitive perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 13-20.
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Sia Partners 2022 International “mobile banking” Benchmark (
Ahmadi, T & Narci, M & Obrenovic, B. (2022). The Impact of “Mobile Banking” Services on Customer Satisfaction and Retention: A Study on Turkey Banks. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development. 8. 10.18775/ijied.1849-7551-7020.2015.83.2001.
Alhejji, S.; Albesher, A.;Wahsheh, H.; Albarrak, A. (2022). Evaluating and Comparing the Us-ability of Mobile Banking Applications in Saudi Arabia,
Alrizq, M., Alghamdi, A. (2024) Customer satisfaction analysis with Saudi Arabia mobile banking apps: a hybrid approach using text mining and predictive learning techniques. Neural Comput & Applic 36, 6005–6023.
Alismail, M.A.; Albesher, A.S. Evaluating Developer Responses to App Reviews: The Case of Mobile Banking Apps in Saudi Arabia and the United States. Sustainability 2023,15, 6701.
Che, M., Say, S.Y.A., Yu, H. et al. (2023). Investigating customers’ continuous trust towards mobile banking apps. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 960
Gupta, M (2023). An empirical study to measure a multidimensional scale for the success of mobile banking applications The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, April 2023
Ghobakhloo, M., Fathi, M. (2019 Modeling the Success of Application-Based Mobile Banking. Economies 2019, 7(4), 114;
Hsu, C. L., & Lin, J. C. C. (2018). Exploring the factors influencing the continuance intention to use mobile banking services: A comparative study. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 16(4), 853-871.
Kim, H. W., Chan, H. C., & Gupta, S. (2020). Examining the effects of trust and perceived risk on mobile banking adoption: A case of South Korea. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(3), 738-758.
Wang, Y. S., & Lin, H. H. (2019). Exploring the role of trust in the adoption of mobile banking: A social cognitive perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 13-20. - -
Sia Partners 2022 International “mobile banking” Benchmark (