Albania in the European humanism centuries according to the statutes that were confirmed in Gjergj Kastrioti's time.


  • Shaban Sinani Academy of Sciences of Albania


I was suggested to participate in the second session of the International Albanological Conference in the format lectio magistralis. For some days and weeks, I was somewhat undecided whether to hold this presentation, or another one.
Decades ago, since my dissertation on the Albanian heroic legendary epos, I have always posed the question why the cycle of Gjergj Kastrioti-Scanderbeg was preserved by the Arbёresh people in an almost complete way, while among the Albanians on the other side of the Adriatic the unwritten memory that kept him alive was only through legends, if we would have been served with the title of Marin Sirdani's deed; or in the post-Arbёr epoch Albania's onomastics and toponymy. This is one of the most complicated questions of the Albanian
knowledge, that until now has got its response only through questions:


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How to Cite

Sinani, S. (2022). Albania in the European humanism centuries according to the statutes that were confirmed in Gjergj Kastrioti’s time. Studia Albanica, 56(1), 43–70. Retrieved from